I suppose it is time to accept that spring is here. Yesterday, on our trail walk, we cracked through thin ice and submerged our feet into water to halfway up our shins. Yikes!
And a flamingo appeared:
And so did my first mosquito! Ayah!
And we no longer light fires, and I have to heat tortillas on the electric stove! Quelle horreur!
Oooohhhhh RRRRrrrrrooooo…
Cricket is actually okay with warm weather:
They are both pretty good at ree-laxing!
And all of my fuzzy things snuggle!
They like to flop in the sunshine in the yard:
This is Tony, one of our vet's two office cats. They tease him about liking to sleep in boxes, even ones that are too small for him. He just crams himself inside:
Tony closeup!
"Iz that an apple U R eating cuz WELIKEAPPLES!!!"
This pasta creation hits several health-freak checklists: salmon, kale, carrots, and tomatoes!
They are such good friends. <3
They snuggle. <3
They all snuggle. <3