Dan at his favorite activity--cleaning:
Playing cards:
Light conversation:
Cuddly girls:
We spent part of the morning attempting to teach Sam to skijor. We hooked her up in tandem with Linden, and hooked them up to Sam's papa, while her mama, Autumn, and I all skied/ran loose ahead of and behind them. Linden wouldn't pull when I was behind her, only when I was ahead of them. She loves her mama. :) Sam did surprisingly well! Sam's papa, however, wasn't much help! I generally try to help the dogs as best I can, by striding and poling. With Linden and Autumn's strength, speed, and skill, the three of us can really get going! I guess Sam's papa has a different philosophy... he didn't even take his poles, and he just stood there and let them do all the work! I thought to myself, poor Sam and Linden, they thought they were out for some fun, but it turned out to be just a drag.
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! I kill myself!
We had some old friends visiting from Seattle, so we spent the rest of the weekend sightseeing and skiing. My first time on the Tanana this year! And their first time skiing on a river, ever! It was so cool, and very, very beautiful.
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