For example, here is my first lunch on the road:

Autumn and Linden sat very nicely and didn't steal any. I still think they are the World's Most Perfect Dogs!

Someone had built a bridge across the creek:

The highway includes a whole lotta nuthin, but some lovely scenery:

Every now and then, the highway bends, and you sit bolt upright and move your steering wheel ten degrees.

That's your excitement for the next half hour.
Then it's business as usual:

Arrival in the bustling metropolis of Tok:

Tok is at the crossroads of two major highways, one of them going down to Anchorage, and the other going East-West between Fairbanks and the Canadian border. Because of this, Tok gets about a bajillion tourists a year. It is jam-packed with RVs, tour buses, campers, etc. The average age of a tourist on the Alaska highway system is about 108 years old. I'm just kidding. But they are sweet ladies and gentlemen who looooove Autumn and Linden.
Because Tok is a crossroads, most people are passing through. I was continually asked where I was from and where I was headed. I had to point out that I *was* at my destination!
A pretty fireweed:

We point the car in the direction of home, which looks exactly the same, except with more bugs on the windshield:

Another pretty lunch spot!

Would you believe I stopped at and rejected three other lunch spot candidates before deciding that this one was acceptable? At two of the three, I actually got so far as to park, unpack the cooler, and walk with the dogs across the spot before saying to myself, "meh" and repacking everything and leaving! But this one! This one is okay!
1 comment:
Happy to see you back safe.
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