The three blades of a beautiful new EWT turbine were laying on the ground, ready to go!

They are huuuuge:

The "man shack", where the workers stay onsite. I was the only woman present. Our host made a huge pot of coffee and proceeded to cook up a mountain of food for... second breakfast or first lunch or whatever meal it is you eat at 10:30 in the morning--bacon, biscuits, eggs, ham, and grits for his crew (and visitors). *pats belly*

The hub for the new turbine:

And the foundation:

The grounding is done via these huge, beautiful, pure copper cables:

The met tower:

While they had the giant crane rented (the largest crane in the Alaskan interior, I was told), they utilized it to make some repairs on an existing turbine:

The blades were removed and laid on the ground:

And I crawled inside and looked down each blade. Here is a motor that controls a single blade's pitch angle:

Then I took Autumn and Linden for a walk around the farm. Earth was already dug for foundations for the next three turbines!

The hub is going back on!

It is manipulated the old-fashioned way!

More land needs to be cleared on the property if they build new turbines!

The hub looks like an alien ship we saw in ET. Cannot imagine they maneuver it with a rope? Interesting to see the installation.
Always remember to keep a distance and watch your surroundings at those job sites, You should bring and wear a safety helmet next time.
Job sites generally have hard hats aplenty. I always borrow one. :)
Just please not to forget to borrow the hat. Your own hat fits your head the best.
It's not easy to "forget" to put on a hard hat on a job site. It's VERY illegal to be on a job site without one. If for whatever reason you forget, everyone around you will be jumping up and down.
Also, hard hats are adjustable. They are designed to be. :)
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