A glacier turning into a river as it winds down Denali, taken from my dirty airplane window:

Fire Island, with its wind turbines:

Cordova harbor:


An eagle looking very picturesque. Too bad I didn't have a zoom lens!

Cordova is very good at emergency preparedness:

The water in the harbor is pretty clear:

The docks:

Harbormaster's office:

The end of the road!

Beautiful mountains!

The fog in the Southeast reminds me of my hometown.

A dock outside a heli-ski outfitter and lodge:

Look! A daffodil bud! A sign of spring!

The flight home was so clear that the pilot swooped down and circled Denali in each direction, allowing everyone to gape at it:

Denali is a river in Egypt! If you are poor at spelling!

It is HUGE:

My home region is much less dramatic:

But it has the BEST snuggles:

We got the "tilt the plane and show off Denali" treatment on our very first flight to Fairbanks. So awesome.
The last time I saw Denali in all its magnificence was on a bright summer day years ago when it was still called by a different name! Have never seen it from above and these aerial shots really show how spectacular & massive it is. Thanks for sharing Cordova too, maybe not a place the average visitor to AK would see. Bet it's nice to be back home with your favorite fuzzies:)
Was it an Alaska airline that you took?
The eagle picture is excellent, even without the close-up.
Three-year project means you might go there often? Sounds fun but please take safe planes if you have a choice and fly in clear weather season if you have a choice. Thank you.
@mdr, there is regular service from Alaska Airlines, 747s! Cordova is a tourist town. So e.davis, you could visit, too! :)
@bt, I guess it depends on your pilot. :)
Wonderful pictures !
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