
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Model cabin!

Niece made a model of our cabin. It's amazing!

It even has a bag of dog food I had not yet put away when my mom took the video!

And a blue doggy bed!

And couch dogs!

Here is mamamoose being so kind as to trim our lawn:

Mmmmm, lawn!


mdr said...

Wow, we have to go to the zoo to watch a moose. However, it is safe. All things in life has pros and cons.

There are three blue jugs next to the sofa, they are your water jugs :-) Ra is very observant and hardly misses anything.

BTW, good idea to let it air out and clean inside to prevent molds growing inside. thanks

mdr said...

I meant the water jugs..

rena said...

Neato! That is some fantastic detail. Isn't there a Twilight Zone episode where they find themselves living in a diorama at the end? Or perhaps I'm thinking of the Beatrix Potter story of the two naughty rats, Hunka Munka and her sister, who wreck a dollhouse.

bt said...

This is amazing! Your niece is clearly going places!