
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Happy Muddy Spring!

I got this book, which I am quite enjoying just for the soothing voice and lovely prose. It sort of reads like the scent of lavender, if that makes sense. However, its actual supposed premise is teaching us how to use kitchen scraps instead of throwing them away.
But the girls and we are already on top of this! Mmmmm kalestemz!
OK this is not a "scrap", but themlovesBELLPEPPERZ!
OK here is my latest attempt at Supporting Our Local Food Systems: Pizza crust made with 1/3 Alaskan barley flour:
It rose nicely.
But when I rolled it out, I could already feel that it wouldn't be very tasty, alas.
I mean, pizza can never be too bad, because it's pizza.
But it was sort of gritty. I believe I will reserve barley for other uses.
Last weekend we took one last clean, mud-free walk.
Now alas, our world has turned into mud:
Do you see a fuzzy face in this photo?
Look! Matching symmetric schnozzle rests!
Cricket and I had our Official Therapy Dog Portrait taken last week. This is the proof I chose:
This is my buddy Boo. He used to be the star leader among the resident dogs at Sirius Sled Dogs and Rescue. But he developed a heart condition and now can't run very far, so he was retired young, which is really sad. But, he still gets to utilize his talent as Best Hugger. He loves hugs! I take him for walks sometimes when there are no rescues who need walks.
Boo sez, "You've got a fren' in me!"

A lot of the recent rescues have been experienced sled dogs, so they just run with the resident team and help entertain tourists. Right now, there is a set of Greenland/Inuit-type dogs that were rescued from a severe neglect situation. They have gotten very friendly over just the past two weeks, and give little fingertip kisses. One has already been adopted! But I may start walking the others. This one we are calling Jill:

Here is bratty resident puppy Aubrey. He is about 5 months old, enormous, and spoilt. :D He was a singleton puppy, which is why he is so big. His mama is a very dainty, very pretty Siberian. Aaaaaaanyway Aubrey has developed the habit of following people all over the dog yard and demanding to be held, even though he is now 45 pounds.
I laughed so hard when my friend sent me these photos. I mean, he's a big puppy, but these photos make him look even huger!
Well, fortunately he does have cousin-dogs almost the same age as he is, so he won't develop single-dog-syndrome. His brattiness gets kept in check! Aaaaanyway, despite the mud, our morning runs are still nice, because we are still dropping below freezing at night, and the mud is frozen. Frozen mud is just about my favorite surface to run on. It has the BEST traction! And look at this pretty blue sky! During our run just today, we heard swans honking! I had seen reports that both they and geese had returned, but this was my first time seeing them.
Happy spring to all 14 of my loyal readers!

1 comment:

mdr said...

Healthy Safe and Happy Spring to you and the family. The local TV reported local shelter here had many Huskies available, they probably were given away after owners returning to work/school.