
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Notes from Here and There

Happy summer! We are in peak fireweed now!
And the bees are out and about. We have extremely fuzzy native bumblebees, but also honeybees from neighbors who keep them.
And our CSA is cranking out giant veggies. The girls lovelovelove KALESTEMZZZ!!!
And that, my friends, is how I liberate DL when our meals are ready for consumption. I reserve a nice veggie-buhl and Cricket jumps off him. Then he can get up and eat!
We went to visit Trout and her mama to make sure she and Raven would be friends. Trout's mama used to be the dog handler at Dew Claw, so Trout knew Cricket and Thistle already. Seems they get along just fine, and they GUD SITS!!
Unfortunately, later that day Raven had an encounter with a porcupine. My first dog-porcupine incident! All these years I've carried around pliers in my pack, so I was prepared, or so I thought. When the time came, I could not grab them though! Raven didn't seem to be in pain, but she was just like, "YAAAAAAY!!! I'M OUT HAVING FUN WHY YOU HOLDING ME?!? YAAAAAY LOOK HOW HIGH I CAN JUMP!" And I could not even get the pliers around one quill! Anyway, fortunately my vet is open 7 days a week, so we just headed back to the car and I called them and told them we were on our way. They sedated her to remove the quills, and apparently that is a good idea anyway. Apparently dogs can get them inside their mouths!! Yikes!! And also any quills you miss can migrate inside and do more damage, so they really should be sedated for a full exam. Raven only got those few you can see in the photo, and they were really shallow.
Having a young dog means fewer life-threatening vet emergencies that frighten me and/or make me worried and/or sad, but young dogs have their own veterinary needs that older dogs do not have. Upon reflection, humans are like that, too. Young kids in general don't have tumors or cancer scares, and they certainly don't have arthritis. But they have young-people things like allergies, asthma, and mechanical injuries that come from lack of wisdom. When I was younger, I had far worse hay fever, as well as athlete's foot, occasional warts, eczema, and yeast infections. I don't have any of those now! So, too, did Raven get itchies, a fungal growth on her ears, and now this porcupine incident. But... these are all easily remedied, and do not add to my anxieties. :)

Cricket, on the other hand, is like Autumn and Linden and causes me no anxieties at all. She will be 13 next month, and she's only ever been to the vet for vaccinations! And she's still crazy strong and active as a puppy. I hope that like Autumn and Linden, she also has a long, happy life.

Look! Both at their places: Cricket snuggling and Raven doing her Watchdog thing. Those Shepherd genes really show, but Shepherds can also be reactive and territorial and downright vicious, and I'm sure greatful she did not get those genes. Or maybe they were diluted since she's only 40% sheppy. She really is a great mix!
Walking on Murphy Dome!
Denali was visible yesterday.
Raven's first time here!
Cricket knows the way.
Girl selfie!
The blueberries were blue, but still sour. But we have raspberries in our own yard that are sweet and ripe!
I wish my 14 loyal readers a peaceful summer!

1 comment:

mdr said...

"Cricket snuggling and Raven doing her Watchdog thing" I love that picture and your words grabbed exactly how they were meant to be, an older dog and a semi-puppy even with an earlier sedation for the stings.