An interesting way in which "diversity" in Fairbanks differs from "diversity" in the Bay Area is that, in the Bay Area, most Asian and black people are American. But up here, quite a few black people are African, and most Asians are from Asia. We also have a really high rate of international adoption up here. I have never before seen so many children whose race doesn't match that of their parents. I think it's nice that love can truly cross all barriers.
My other bit of commentary for the day concerns Linden. Whoda thought that one of the World's Most Perfect Dogs would attack the neighbor dog? Who is eleven years old. And lives on a chain. Isn't that a bit like kicking out a cane from underneath an old lady? Way to go, Linden. Geeze! Of course, it's quite difficult to remain angry at this:
And that's the whole problem with disciplining Linden. She's so cute and so dense that it's like disciplining a brick wall. A brick wall with a photo of Knut on it. When you scold her, she looks neither ashamed nor defiant, which are the hallmarks of a good and bad dog, respectively. Instead, she looks at you with big, blank eyes and a big smile on her mouth. And she pricks her ears forward like she is trying so hard to comprehend why you are shouting and why you are taking dog biscuits to the neighbors instead of to her and Autumn. Sigh
Thank goodness the neighbor's dog is okay! But I still feel terrible about it. :(
Be careful next time when Linden is out close to your neighbor's. There must be some bad chemical between those two dogs. A muzzle might be needed, if she shows aggression again. You do not need a lawsuit for any damage.
I am not allowing my girls outside without a leash any more.
Thank you for being careful. It is not only to protect you from potential lawsuit, you are also protecting dogs from both side (Linden and the neighbor's dog)
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