This has been a really lovely few weeks, weather-wise. Enough snow to ski and 'jor, and still plenty of sun to warm our spirits. And that amazing blue sky!
By the way, I found a trail system in my neighborhood that I had not known about. I can't wait to check it out with the girls! And I'm not telling where it is! Muwahahahahahaha...
And yes, yesterday was an exciting day around here, as it was in the rest of the United States, if not the world (I see our little country's election made the front page of the BBC). I was in a night class when the presidential election was called. I must say that when I voted, I was pleased to have the opportunity to cast my vote for the better of two fine people to lead the country, instead of having to pinch my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils, as I had in elections past. Yes, it was truly a pleasure.
1 comment:
There were honking and screaming half night long in Berkeley
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