I took this photo from the bridge over the river. They are just two strings of lights!
At the finish line:
Time to get petted!
Are they pooped!
Running 1000 miles will tire a dog out! But a lot of Alaskan huskies have a naturally "woe is me" sort of posture to them. Autumn has it, though Linden doesn't. It's hard to explain, but they'll sit around with their ears down and their shoulders hunched, as if they have just accepted the struggles and burdens of the world onto their furry little shoulders. It's especially pronounced in Autumn when she's in the back of my car. I can see both of my girls in the rear view mirror--Autumn looking like she's about to accept the Cross, and Linden with a big blank smile, bobbing her head along like a bobble head dog.
Perking up at the attention:
Here is a photo of Brent Sass taking off in Whitehorse. He has such pretty dogs! He's still not in yet at this time, although at one point he was far ahead and a sure bet for 4th place. I wonder what happened.
And here, a study in contrast. :)
Aw. Wish I was able to get down there for the finish. Luckily, next year we have the start; that's easier to make it to, I guess.
Brent Sass's lead dog lost his front bootie in that picture. That is why he is running behind. He should have bought better booties.
Linden is very lady like in that picture.
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