It never fails to strike me as peculiar that it'll have been blazing hot for over two months on the "first day of summer". And that there'll have been snow on the ground for about three, on the "first day of winter".
Happy longest-day-of-the-year!
It's hot. I feel sticky and gross.

My CSA shares from Rosie Creek Farm started three weeks ago. But this is the first time I remembered to take a photo for my nine loyal readers:

Things are also coming along splendidly at JB's farm, which we helped plant a few weeks ago:

Linden approves:

This is my favorite kind of kale:

That's my fav kale too. It grows year-round like crazy down here too. Lately instead of dehydrating in the oven, I've been finely chopping (like cole slaw), and dressing with good olive oil, lemon, and salt. Maybe a touch of garlic. Barbarian #1 likes it with tomatoes chopped in. Barbarian #2 thinks it's disgusting.
9? I thought it was 8 loyal readers.
For what reason one chose to live in harsh weathers,both summer and winter, no running water for bath and toilet!? For what reason one chose to torture my dearest and beloved child!? Siiiiggghhh
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