The storied Fortymile river. It's amazing how just one river valley over, the country really does look different. Fortymile country is more hilly and less populated.

Climbing up to join the Top of the World Highway!

Aaaaaand the busy junction!

The bustling border crossing and customs station!

Welcome to the Yukon!

The descent into Dawson:

The barge that ferries cars back and forth across the Yukon, 24 hours a day. I wonder how long the payback period would be on building a bridge? No charge for the barge!

The line of vehicles cued up to cross into Dawson:

Wherever the sun shines, there are Chinese people!

And the famed Klondike. It had mythical proportions in my mind. In reality, it looked like the upper Chena--a very pretty little thing!

Autumn cools off:

It's gorgeous, isn't it?

Linden cools off, too:


You can see the line where the clear Klondike flows into the silty Yukon:

The junction of these two rivers, Tr'ochëk, was an important gathering and fishing place for the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Athabascans. When gold was discovered in the many rivers and creeks in the fortymile region, Chief Isaac knew that white people would come flooding in with their associated ills, so he arranged to move his village 3 miles downriver. It's very sad to consider what he must have felt at the time, but it appears that he made a wise choice with the tools he had, knowing that he would not be able to resist against the white people.
And I'll cut off today's post with that. Adventures in Dawson continue tomorrow.
It is nice and tranquil.
I guess you didn't patronize the Gold Village restaurant. It looks nice and I would like to talk to them if I were there. The Chinese words did not look like written by a real Chinese though.
Do they say "Gold Village Restaurant"?
yes it said "Gold Village" in Chinese, but the word "village" was poorly written in Chinese.
Haha I had wondered whether the writer even spoke Chinese, or copied some characters out of a newspaper or something. Like maybe the restaurant sign read, "Middle East Peace Talks" or "Mayoral Election" or something like that. :)
"middle east peace talk", you thought they were from damn Berkeley?
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