Cricket selfie!

And here they are kerflopped on the couch:

So of course I had to take a schnozzle shot up each schnozz:

And here is a photo of them with all of their paw paws:

Look how fuzzy they are! Roo tries to use them to swat me away when I clip her toenails, which she hates. Or when I clip Cricket's toenails and Cricket whines. Then Roo comes over as the SuperRoo Defender. But she's pretty ineffective. It's like being punched by a marshmallow.
I mean... look at those things:

Oh, I finally made the door-opening brownies:

They are extremely rich. They have no leavening! I think I'd prefer this as an afternoon snack, with coffee or tea, rather than as a dessert.
You are really capable of handling not too easy job, ex) cutting dogs toenails. Nobody can do it here, is it easier with bigger paws? I wonder
Door-opening brownies indeed! A decadent looking pan of yummy, gooey chocolate caramel bliss:)
Re: dog toenails- some just tolerate the dreaded nail trims better than others. Two of mine do ok, but for the third I relinquish the task to my very competent vet techs & am more than appreciative of their skill!
Autumn and Linden were not great with toenail clippings; they hate to have their paws touched. You'd think Starbuck would be easier because she likes to hold hands, but she sort of goes all gumby when you try to trim her nails. She melts into a puddle, and then you can't find her paws. Cricket is the easiest--not only are her nails clear, she barely objects, and her nails actually have a little "step" in them, so you know where it's safe to cut!
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