Check out these eggs! I got five different kinds, all selected seemingly at random!
They aren't scanned and sorted and micro-monitored for uniformity, so I get all different sizes, and sometimes I get a spot of blood, sometimes I get a double yolk, etc. So I probably can't always count on making a perfect angel food cake or soufflé, but my eggs are fresher, and I'm not really a baker of sensitive, delicate foodstuffs, anyway, so, ya know, que sera, c'est la vie, whatevs.
I won't be surprised if those in your hands are goose eggs or duck eggs. You never know.
BTW, we also eat bird eggs, they sell it at 99, I got some for Rara, she didn't like it
No... duck eggs are a bit larger than even the largest chicken eggs, and goose eggs are positively enormous!
Love them! We have 4 hens and they all have different coloured eggs (dark brown, light brown, greenish and blue/green) in a variety of sizes. Would you be able to keep a few hens of your own too or would there be too much threat from the local wildlife?
I think the biggest common predators around my neighborhood are foxes and raptors, so even a minimum-security coop would be fine. But I have my hands full as it is, so... no chickens for me (for now)!
I forgot that you have bigger predators than us, we only have to worry about wild rats, foxes and European badgers really, plus maybe buzzards in this area (though they probably wouldn't go for a live hen and even less likely on the edge of town). Hens are amazingly low maintenance compared to virtually all other pets as they don't really need/want interaction in the way that rabbits etc do so are literally 10 mins a day plus cleaning out, but I can see why now is not a good time for you! Do get a few in the future though if you ever have the chance, they're great fun ;-)
Did you find any double yolks?
Not in this batch. :( My sister used to (maybe still does) find double yolks inexplicably horrifying. :)
Double yolks are like double bonus prizes! I once cracked open an egg and found blood inside it. That was a little creepy, but I was a poor college student so into the lasagne it went. :)
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