Autumn taking time:

We could see a wildfire:

Mud along the dry creekbed, which you have to cross to get to the next ridgeline:

Little flowers were everywhere. Berry season is coming soon! Yay!

A marmot who shouted at us all through lunch:

Autumn looking regal in the shade of a tor:

Linden looking a tad less regal, sitting on one butt cheek:

From the top of the Dome, we could see another fire:

More berries to come!

Yay raspberries!

Wild delphinium:

Wild lupin:

This field will be full of berries!

A breather in the shade on the way back:

Marmot! Did you chrip back at him??
What's the flowering bush with the poofy white flowers? Cranberries?
Very beautiful!
I had thought they were blueberry flowers, but then got back and google image searched "blueberry flowers" and got a bunch of photos that look nothing like them. google imaging "cranberry flowers" gets you a lot of photos of flowers on bushes that are patently not cranberry bushes, so I'm not sure. :(
The best I can do on that poofy white flower is Service berry, but the flowers aren't quite right. Can't find my "real" plant books among all the pretty picture plant books, darnit!
ff, a google image search for "service berry" turns up TREES! There are berry trees?
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