I wonder what the story is with that napa cabbage. Greenhouse-started, for sure!
My own cilantro is also coming along swimmingly:

Tofu with green onions, cilantro, sesame oil, and salt:

You squish it together like so:

And another salad:

And what did I eat for carbs yesterday? Cookies. Cookies did just fine. :)
Yum, tofu! And that cilantro looks delicious. I ought to try it in a pot - it goes to seed too readily during the summer down here. Maybe I could put it in a shady corner.
You'll have to tell me how the Bill Bryson book is - what is he doing home and not traveling?!
Bill Bryson is sitting in his home pondering the history of each room and its furnishings. It sounds dull, but it's Bill Bryson, so it's not. :) One thing he could have used was a fact-checker. There are a few niggling historical inaccuracies and calculation errors.
Is it as funny as A Walk in the Woods?
It's not laugh-out-loud funny, but it's liberally spiced with a dry British humor that I guess Bryson is adopting after years of living there.
One thing I appreciate about Bryson's Atlantic-hopping writing style is that it has both the warm friendliness of the Americans and the crisp, reliable style and grammar of the Brits. You know your brain is in good hands with Bryson. He won't degrade your Catholic-trained grammar discipline. :)
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