
Friday, March 20, 2020

A Warm Fuzzy

Interior restaurants step up to make sure kids don’t go hungry

1 comment:

mdr said...

Their thoughts are kind, their deed are generous. HOWEVER, UNLESS they deliver food to those in need individually (which is impossible), the recipients risk coronavirus by going there and be in the crowds with many other recipients. At this time, TRUE QUARANTINE is the only way to save lives and wait for vaccines.

China started the whole mass but China is under control recently. They closed gas stations so nobody can drive out or far; they only allowed food and grocery deliveries to the outside of each building ( Chinese are all in big apartment buildings), then cell phone the recipients to come down and outside to pick up his/her food; they sent workers to check on all people daily to test their temperature to send potentially infected ones to hospitals; everyone has to wear mask or be fined; any gatherings will be fined and possibly jailed.