
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Working From Home Life

Like many people around the world, DL and I have been working from home. Like many dogs around the world, the dogs are really happy about this. Do they not look comfy?

And sometimes they get multitasking cuddles!

As academics, the lines between "working hours" and "non-working hours" have often been blurred for us. I almost always work part of weekends, and often after dinner on weeknights. But I often take long lunches to run errands, or go in to work late some days to go skiing in the morning, as well.

Now that we have no physical office, it'd be easy to blur those lines even further, so, paradoxically, I am making more of an effort to make sure that work is confined to work times, and to NOT TOUCH IT after dinner. It's hard! It's hard when I could just do this one little thing and then not have to worry about it! But academia is endless, and there is always one more little thing I could do. The thing is to remind myself that that one little thing can just as well be done tomorrow. I have a pile of leisure reading, and there are more walks to take now that the daylight lasts until 9 p.m.

I believe last weekend was our last time skiing for the season. Despite a recent storm that dumped over a foot of snow, it had been so warm that the snow promptly turned icy, and I was frightened! I had recently purchased knee pads and a helmet. Thank you to Sister for the recommendation on the helmet! When I googled helmets, I found TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN MILLION of them and panicked. But Sister is such a thorough researcher that I could just buy that one immediately!

That 211,000,000 is not an exaggeration. Look!

Ah, capitalism! Without Sister, I'd definitely have been drawn down a spiral of Choice Paralysis (a terrible susceptibility I have that once almost led me to purchase an Amish-made fly swatter made with a leather flap and wooden handle, and please don't ask how I ended up there!)

But anyway, even with knee pads and helmets, it was a bit too fast for my taste! Friends, these are the times to be extra cautious. We do NOT want to go to a doctor, or heaven forbid, the ER! So I don ice cleats and run with the girls.

Every time I boil fresh water to make more tea, they wonder whether it is suppertime. I have to tell them that, sorry, 10:30 a.m. is not suppertime. And neither is 1 p.m. And neither is 3:30!

Here is another Exciting Thing. Every time I get up, they ponder:

The Human Got Up. It:
[ ] Is
[ ] Is Not

worth getting up to see what she is doing.

[ ] Is
[ ] Is Not

doing something involving Food.


mdr said...


e.davis said...

Working at home as well & sitting at my kitchen table with one or the other dog wandering over to see why I'm sitting there & NO FOOD is involved? *Sigh* - maybe wander outside and check for squirrels? Or why bother, that couch looks comfy- we'll nap til she's done! (Actually am taking advantage of the time at home & gladly walk away from the "desk" for some quality cuddle & play time.) :)
P.S. great yummy food photos too :)

Arvay said...


@e.davis: My home office is my kitchen table, too! Do you have a dog door? I wish we had a dog door, but alas, the insulation issue!

e.davis said... door - yes & it's a godsend, since we (normally) both work outside of home. It's a panel with a flap that sits in the track of the sliding door- also not great re. insulation, but then it's not really cold here. Also never realized how often they go IN and OUT- as is apparent by the constant flap-flapping of the door;) Solution- when home leave door open in nice weather:)

Arvay said...

@e.davis, Not-having a dog door has its merits though... You have a very reasonable excuse never to work late. :)