
Monday, July 17, 2023

Queen Thistle

Since bringing Raven home, the contrast with her youth and suppleness has forced me to see that Queen Thistle is showing signs of aging. I've been feeling a bit melancholy about it, but I remind myself that there is no point moping. Just enjoy life with them as it comes. Dogs themselves are great role models for not pre-suffering for something that has not yet happened.

We have a routine that when we get back from our morning run, I unhook them and let them race down the driveway and meet me on the porch. Thistle pretty consistently does Not. Meet me on the porch. She runs around the property and finds vile things to eat, while I chase her around shouting at her to STOPPIT and cussing at mosquitoes. Well, she still does this and does not stoppit, so. 🤪 Long may you drive me crazy, my queen.


e.davis said...

Completely understand the contrast between age & youth. The queen in my house now 13.5 yrs & also slowing down & getting crankier- maybe the youngster is a bit much for her? Then the two minions-a (very busy)4.5 yr old male, followed by the(even busier) baby- her name is Casey:)

mdr said...

A beautiful new granddog, wow. I am sure she will be a blessing (mutually) in your family too.

Arvay said...

@e: Interesting that you parallel my life there. :)

@mdr: Thank you! Definitely a mutual blessing.