
Monday, January 27, 2025

Don't forget to dance...

... or ski, or listen to music, or make cookies. Don't forget what brings you joy.

"The dance kept us in the fight because it was the dance we were fighting for."

Friday, January 24, 2025

Atmospheric River eh?

The thing that is causing all of the cold in the Lower 48 (Snow in New Orleans! Snow in Florida!) has made for a long spell of unseasonable warmth here:
So far it hasn't been too bad. The snow has been slick, but seeing as how Ravey Gravy is such a reasonably-paced skijor buddy, it's been okay. However, this morning it rained, and the snow was ruined. Whoever thought we'd need towels in January?!
At least neither of these ladies Objects to Towel.
"Alas! Woe is me!"
"Woe is me, too!"
"Daaaaaaaddy, I'm having a saaaaaad."
There has been one clear day, and we could see Denali!
And we still get joy in KALESTEMZZZ!
And we can still take walks on the hard snow.
Human selfie!
They still find their chill, no matter what the weather. Such nice dogs we have!
And they get comfy...
You know that song where Sting goes, "Every step you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you"? It's about a german shepherd, isn't it?
They also like COLLYFLOWRRRRZZZ!!!
You may think that you have Good Dogs, but do you have "Oops I forgot to pick up something on my way home and I needed to run back and get it and so I did and now I'm back and this cheese is untouched on the counter" good? I have the Goodest Good dogs, anad so far I'm at 6 out of 6 like this. How on earth did I get so lucky?