
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Happy Fall!

We'd had a few days of frost as early as two weeks ago, but this morning was the first I saw it on actual plants with my own eyes.

The sky was also that beautiful crystal blue that it is during this time of slanted light.
I took this photo just last week! This week, most of those golden leaves are on the ground. 
There is still enough direct sunshine to keep Cricket wanting to lounge in the front yard!
Thistle still prefers the couch.
Last weekend, we went to Skiland to pick cranberries, but it was so cold that we gave up after one quart and turned it into a dayhike. It was very beautiful, however.
We were hoping this fog would burn off.
But instead, more of it rolled in.
But you could see the beautiful blue sky, although we were damp and chilly in the shade.
 There were still a few blueberries, and they were rich with sugar:
My faithful pals:
Even Thistle eventually settled down!
The tundra was alive with fall colors:
Golden trees!

The hike was along the ski trail.
The ski lift:
A pretty little creek:

The "easiest way down" green dot trails are the best for out of season walking, too!
I was surprised this week to receive in the mail a diploma from Penn State. I took three online classes to earn a graduate certificate in wind energy, but hadn't expected to receive an actual diploma! So fancy! (Cricket and Thistle are in the photo because why not another excuse for a dog photo?)
Look! Cricket can look dignified!


mdr said...

Nice scenery pictures. Safe and Happy Fall to you too.

e.davis said...

Hooray:) Happy that fall has arrived (though we'll have to wait just a bit longer) enjoy this time and know winter will be here before you know it:) Love the fall scenery - thanks for sharing.

mdr said...

Air has been very bad again for several days and will continue due to new fire and strong wind. About 40-45 bad air days so far. ENJOY YOUR CLEAN AIR FOR US :-).