
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Low Sun Days

Here I am with my full outfit!
Okay! Headed down to the pond!
For the long, straight, flat stretches, I let them go as fast as they wanted for a while. It's also an opportunity for me to straighten up and release the lactic acid from my legs from snowplowing!
And here we are at the pond where I did my thesis work!
Check out these cattails.
There is a clump of them in the middle of the pond. It must be very shallow. But I've never been here in summer. I'm sure the trail is a muddy, boggy swamp.
The light looked pretty from behind the hay farm.
Such patient girls!


mdr said...

Yeah, happy to hear you Yeah:-)
Bear is hibernating now, right?
Do dogs know where the thin ice and stops on their own?

Have safe, healthy and happy days -- always.

Arvay said...

@mdr, yes, bears are hibernating! As for ice, both dogs and humans have to use their joint brains together. The pond is very shallow and safe. The Tanana River, however, is changing so fast with warmer winters. We have not skied on the river in years. I don't know if I'll ever go again, to be honest.