
Monday, February 1, 2021

Oh my heckin' heck!

Right now, this graphic is on the front page of the Minor News:
Wind chill? In Fairbanks? Why, I never! The NOAA report reads as follows:
Brrrrrr-tacular! Here is a photo of the Queenly Miss Thistle, Pondering the Fire like Hestia. She is the Keeper of Wisdom.
Baby, I knead your lovin'!
And now you have a pizza my heart!
This sandwich is wholly guacamole:
A tamal pie
Served with collard greens:
Tues morning update: It is 9 a.m., and that forecast from last night did not come to pass. Look! Only a relatively balmy -20F! We did our normal morning run, no change in schedule.
They look pretty content, don't you think? I sure hope they are comfy.
Them paws though. :)
Mmmmmmm fritos!


mdr said...

Be careful and be well.

e.davis said...

Mmm, good hearty eats to keep your energy up in the cold😉 Stay safe & warm!
Must say I luvs their fuzzy toes-my Aussies have them too☺️