
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A stupendously lovely time of year

Late Summer is my favorite part of summer in Alaska. The temperatures cool down, rains come and clear away any smoke, and the air smells clean and fresh, scented with aspen shoots and labrador tea. Also, my perennial garden continues to boom pretty things, like these golden lilies.
And look! My prize red and yellow columbines are attracting my friends!
And it's cool enough, and Thistle has shed enough of her fuzz, that we can take long walks again.
Hullo, Thissy! Hullo!
Look at this giant lily on campus!
Unfortunately, we also got a very abrupt windstorm, that made power outages all over our local power grid, from Nenana to Chatanika! The main power was restored within 24 hours, but unfortunately there were so many trees down that it took longer for individual neighborhoods to get power back. Linemen were flown up from Anchorage to help with efforts. Our particular problem was this:
But look how beautiful and clear the sky is! No more smoke, since the rain has come.
It sure takes a long time to boil water on a camp stove...
Cricket used to be made uneasy by power outages. I think the humming of the refrigerator is her Friend. But this time, she seemed okay and quite relaxed.
After a day, DL connected the generator and fired it up for a few hours each day to keep the refrigerator and freezer cold. I had also defrosted some chicken thighs the day the power went out (of course!), so we decided to roast them in the toaster oven, via generator. DL called it "high-carbon-footprint chicken", and yes I feel the appropriate amount of guilt, but I just really detest food waste. I did take advantage of the heat from the toaster oven to heat water. (DL: "I like your cogeneration.")
High-carbon-footprint chicken!
Thank you, Mr. Generator!
After three days, we got back power on the third second third? night? I'm not sure how you count that, but we lost power Mon afternoon and got it back around 2 a.m. Thurs morning. Wow! Light!
And how we resume Normal Life. And it's berry season!
My friend AT was generous enough to share with me the location of her favorite berry patch. It's in an old burn area.
On the trails closer to home, there are also aqpiks or cloudberries.
And we also have these! The most divine-tasting berries you will ever taste: the king of berries.
"Um excuse me, but what R U slicing on that cutting board and iz there any for us?"

1 comment:

mdr said...

Great pictures... loved your pictures... Great gardens.. although lily smells so good but it has lots of pollens..