
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Happy Brrrrr-tackular Tuesday!

We woke up this morning to the first BBBBRRRRRRRR of the season!
And so I dug out my double-polar-fleece hat and matching neck gaiter!
Tis the season of long, dark mornings. We have to snuggle while we wait for the sun to come up before we hit the trails!
Oh finally a clear shot!
"I wanna clean my seester's snowse!"
Some days the light looks monochromatic.
My curated collection of only the finest Fuzzy Things.
I made a cranberry-apple pie. This won a pie contest once, back in pre-COVID days when my friend CA had one every year.
An Observation I made about pie contests: The winner is almost always a 2-crust, fruit-filled pie. Occasionally a meringue will win (maybe 1 time out of 10), but nothing else. I made a pecan pie one year and topped it with a fudge drizzle, and nobody even tried a single slice!
Mmmmmm crapple pie!
And do you know who helped quality check aaaaaaallll off the apples?
I also made cranberry bread, one to keep and one for a gift.
For this I actually follow a recipe. It's from a 1970's Betty Crocker cookbook that was subtitled, "A new cookbook for a new you!". It featured this newfangled thing called a microwave. I copied my favorite recipes from it when I left my mum's house. My only alterations are (1) I increased the amount of "cranberries" when I moved to Alaska because I now use lingonberries because of course. And (2) I don't use shortening and use butter or liquid veggie oil. In the 70's, people though veggie shortening was "healthier". HAH!
We looooove BOKCHOYSTEMZ!!!
On days when it is not monochromatic, the light is beautiful!
Like a winter wonderland.
And my companions are the best part of all.


mdr said...

Beautiful scene or comfortable temperature?
Guess???? Don't peak at the line below

I chose the latter AT MY AGE (only after 60+)

mdr said...

Btw, Puppy's butt hair gets cut weekly or occasionally twice per week, she also often has that "dangling disgusting yucky" something after her poo.. almost always was from human's falling hairs the dog somehow ate... In this case, JE is always innocent.

Arvay said...

@mdr, I think there is beauty everywhere, if only you choose to see it. :)