
Monday, February 27, 2023

Answers to the Malamystery!

Good news! My buddy Koda went to a trial home yesterday! He has a new dogbuddy that he seems to like a lot, and his new humans seem to like him a lot, so I sure hope it sticks.

And phew! I am free of the temptation! DL is no help at all! Every time I fall in love with a dog, he says, "Oh we could have him! We could have her! She would love it here! We'd just need to get a bigger bed for him!" I thought spouses were supposed to set brakes, but NoooOOOOoooOoo.

Lookie this sweet boy in his new home! They must have bought the biggest dog bed in the store, and he barely fits!
I'm sure gonna miss him!
I did get curious enough to post to our group chat of volunteers: "Okay I love my AK husky girls to death and would not trade them for the world, but I gotta ask: Is Koda typical of mals? If so, why are they not the most popular pet in every northern state? He is just so unbelievably sweet!"

Here are the answers from mushers. They do make sense.

GN: "They are great with people but often have dog on dog aggression. Listen to joe Henderson talk he describes 45 minutes of fighting before getting forward motion every morning."

KD: "What G said. They are typically the nicest damn dogs ever to people but very territorial with anything that’s theirs - and everything is theirs 😬. Had one for 14 years, loved her fiercely but never again. Mixing with Sibe and Alaskan helps temper the malatude."

GN: "I love Leroy but I wouldn’t do a Mal again his half sister Astrid has been a nightmare socially to deal with"

Hmmmm so I think I'll stick with my AK huskies! I'm sure gonna miss that Koda boy though!


mdr said...

Beautiful Koda, I hope her new home does not have another dog to "inspire" her natural instinct. Hope you will always have a good time there.

mdr said...

Oh, Koda is a guy! and hope the other dog is a gal.