
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sorry but this is the third post in a row...

I have to show you our afternoon snackies.

Here is Thistle eating some aaaaaaaapple:
And Cricket eating some aaaaaAAAAAaaapple:
They are just so stinkin cute!

Hmmmm, not much else to report. Here are some more food photos!

One uh-may-zing thing about having dumplings in the freezer is that you can have them with meals, instead of as meals because they are so quick you can make more than one thing for supper! Look: My home-made jiao-zes, with pot stickers from the freezer section at the store, with steamed veggies!
My latest cooking adventure was inspired by this, except that instead of chicken I used a big moose bone, which I seared until the fat and gristle made some nice Maillard reaction goodness:
Mmmm, look at that marrow!
Also instead of that looooong list of spices, I used a pre-fab spice mix that is intended for pho. Kinda the same, right? There is star anise, cinnamon, and whole peppercorns. Anyway, I put it all into a muslin bag and let it simmer in there for about an hour, then removed it. Then I added boiled, peeled eggs, tofu skin, tofu that had been frozen and thawed, so it's like little sponges, napa cabbage, and carrots! I had not had soy sauce eggs since I was a kid, I don't think.


mdr said...

Good stew. Dogs eyes are so innocent looking. Enjoy

Be safe healthy and happy.

gina said...

Your girls are very bright eyed when apples are offered. I don't remember what grocery stores are in Fairbanks, but do you get a good variety of seasonal veggies and fruits shipped in? Are many grown in the area/ Alaska? Are people still getting vaccinated for Covid 19?

Arvay said...

@mdr, they like moosey, too.

@gina, 99% of our food is imported. The only locally produced foods we have are VERY small-scale and include potatoes, carrots, onions, barley, and a variety of green veggies in summertime. We also have wild foods like wild berries, moose, and salmon. And yes, we are still getting vaccinated. Are you eligible yet? I hope you are safe.