
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Wham-bam, it's spring!

It seems one weekend we were skiing, the next, it was 70 degrees F. Now the birches are budding. Here is a photo of my buds, and some buds:

Catkins is now they reproduce. Apparently, birches are dioecious and both produce both male and female catkins. The internet is unclear on whether they can self-fertilize:

Roo, and her paws, and her tongue:

Ohhhh... I guess we are stuck here again. Stuck in a snuggle spiral!

Would you ladies like... (ears perk up)...

Would you laaaaaadies liiiiiiike.... (they run over)...

APPLES?? (they sit nicely like good girls!)


Mmmmm croissanwiches for breakfast, thanks to Marlo's, who makes croissants from scratch. In the interest of not giving us coronaries, I have decided I can only go to Marlo's if I happen to be driving by anyway. I am not allowed to make a special trip to Marlo's. Sounds reasonable, right??

Alaskan spot shrimp showed up at Freddie's! I sautéed them with garlic, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, and asparagus, and put it over pasta:

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