
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Miscellaneous photos

I had to order this print from zeppelinmoon, because it reminded me of Someone I Know:

This artist is based in London, so apparently this is not just an Alaskan, nor just a rural dog thing!

Cricket loooooves to snuggle with her daddy. I hear him going, "Get your paws off my book!" or "Get your paws off my keyboard!" :D

Starbuck-A-Roooooooo and her jellybeans:

I went to harvest the giantest rhubarb stalks:

And as I squatted down, I saw this green pod. I stared at it, and it popped open before my eyes!

I saw a rhubarb get borned! Awwww!

OK that was 1 p.m. At 5 p.m., it looked like this:

And at 8 p.m., it looked like this:


It has been sooooo hot:

But for some idiotic reason, I thawed two Cornish game hens...? I did NOT want to turn on the oven! So I minimized the roasting time by spatchcocking the hens:

And pulling them out before the skin was as crispy as I'd have preferred, but we were dyyyyyying of heat (insert dramatic flair here):

We had them the first night with salad:

And the second night in tacos!

The rhubarb went into a pie, which I baked on a cooler night:

So pretty! This crust is 50% white flour 50% barley flour from Delta Junction:

It came out really nice, flaky and golden and not as "coarse" as whole wheat.

You could barley tell it was healthier!

Cricket selfie!

Starbuck-a-Roo using the black widow chew toy to prop up her rawhide:

Look at this pretty columbine I found growing on campus:

This little patch of poppies and columbines keeps coming back, even after UAF facilities weed-whacks the entire thing level several times every summer. I tied a piece of twine around it so when it dies, I will gather the seeds. I'd love a red and gold columbine! I'd never seen one before.

Kerflop! They like to hang out outside:

Until they get too warm, of course!

Starbuck-a-Roo overheats more easily than she used to. I believe dogs have a more difficult time with heat the older they get. Cricket is the most heat-tolerant dog I've ever had, crazy sun-worshipper!


gina said...

The photo of the Columbine is gorgeous! The fuzzies are Sooo adaptable

Arvay said...

@gina: Thanks! I hope you are enjoying your summer!

mdr said...

Starbuck is black so his fur color doesn't deter sunlight. He is good for winter though.
The poster is cute. Enjoy.

Ra has been in FL for one week. I feel like a real retiree these days.

e.davis said...

Currently surrounded by 3 dogs in various states of floppage:) Think you have it hotter than we do- enjoying mid 80's at the moment! Love the macro shot of the Columbine -hope you do get some seeds:) Enjoy the rhubarb harvest, that pie looks heavenly! Happy summer to you & the fuzzies:) P.S. love that poster:)

Arvay said...

@mdr: Yes, Starbuck loves winter best!

@e.davis: You should check out the rest of her work. I think you'd love it!

rena said...

Sorry to hear how hot it's been for you. Uggggh, no good. That's a Western columbine, I think - Aquilegia Formosa?

Arvay said...

@rena: Thanks! The flower is wilting now. I sure hope it produces seeds before the landscaping folks take a weedwhacker to it.