
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Pretty summer things

It's been pretty warm, and smoke sometimes blows in from fires both to the North and the South. There are none threatening us, but air quality depends on which way the wind blows. So we try to take walks when both weather and air quality allow.

Look at these pretty soon-to-be-nagoonberries!

One way to beat the heat is WATERMELON! Miss Thistle loves WATERMELON!
And so does Princess Cricket! Yay! WATERMELON!
Walking along the trail
This part of the trail is close to the road, so I put them into harness.
Look! A white spider eating a hoverfly! I like hoverflies and prefer to see spiders eating vile things like wasps and mosquitoes, but oh well. Nature does what it needs.
All the pretty fireweed is coming in.
My yellow columbines. I started these from seed in 2019. Growing perennials from seed is definitely something for the long game!
This is my first year seeing this orangey one.
But here is my prize! I saw this beauty growing on campus and tied a string around it. A few weeks later, I went back and gathered the seeds, then planted them right here. And three years later, this morning my beauty opened!
And this evening, it unfurled completely!
These purple ones were transplants from a friend's garden, so they established much more quickly.
I started this lily from a bulb from my friend's garden. The first one has bloomed!

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