
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

This is Interesting!

Today's Anchorage Daily News has an article on a 1956 pocket guide to Alaska, from the military. The military apparently used to issue these pocket guides to their servicemen being sent to faraway places. The Alaska one is pretty factual and even culturally not too dreadful, considering how bad exoticism and racism were during that unenlightened era. Yes, there are references to Alaska as an untamed wilderness until its "discovery" by White people, but it does also say "So far we have been discussing white Alaskans. The original Alaskan population is important, too." On the whole, the way it talks about Alaska Native people is surprisingly modern. The mass slaughter of Alaska Native people by Russian settlers is noted with a hint of compassion, and it says to treat modern Alaska Native people with respect. "You should accept your new fellow citizens — just as they are — and they will accept you.” Regarding Alaska Natives, employ the correct term for individual Indigenous populations and never cheat them. As the guide says, “Some Alaskan natives serve in the Armed Forces. Maybe a few will be in your outfit. Get to know them.”

I am especially taken with this illustration:

Source: 1956 Pocket Guide to Alaska

I also like this illustration here:
Source: 1956 Pocket Guide to Alaska

You can view the whole thing here.


mdr said...

Happy July 1st and be blessed forever.

gina said...

That would be an interesting booklet to read! Interesting , anyway.

gina said...

That would be an interesting booklet to read, funny anyway!