
Monday, June 6, 2022

Summer has blasted in

It seems that we didn't get much of a spring! The difference between groaning under a record snow dump and bone-dry cracked earth, radiating sun, and buzzing insects was two weeks! The first flowers to show up were dandelions. DL always wants to weed-whack them, while I try to promote them not as weeds but as flowers! At this time, they are the first and only food for the bees!
And I am done trimming dog toenails until September! The road files them on our runs and walks. They don't have dewclaws, or else I'd have to trim those. Mushers remove dewclaws so they don't interfere with booties. There is a very narrow window to do it--when the pups are 2-3 days old. If you wait any later, it becomes a very invasive and painful procedure.
I love trains! So I took a photo of the train as it happened to cross in front of me.
Look at the brilliant green and blue! It's visually very beautiful, isn't it? I, however, am quite uncomfortable due to record birch pollen. I have never been allergic to any kind of tree pollen before; only the flower pollen that comes much later in the year. However, this year ugh! I don't know whether it is permanent, or just this year because there is so much of it. It's coating cars, windows, and all outdoor surfaces with yellow dust. But when I squint through my itchy eyes, I can perceive that the world is very beautiful. :D
Far less couch time nowadays! The floor is much cooler in the cabin.
Poor Miss Thistle! She has the thickest coat, and she sheds the latest! She is finally starting now in earnest, so I comb her daily. She used to hate being combed, but I think she trusts me more now to do Annoying Things to her. We've been together just over two years now!
I have a BELLPEPPER!!!
Thistle gots the crazy eyes!
My Lazy Person's Garden is coming along nicely. I have a patch of fireweed, a patch of bluebells, and a patch of wild delphiniums. The planted stuff is all low-maintenance perennials: Columbines, rhubarb, lilies, and um... I don't recall, but I'll see when it comes up!
These columbines are second year, so I'll see what color flowers they are for the first time!
Roses have appeared Very Abruptly! They are very sweetly fragrant.
And these are my new lilies! I'm super excited!
This photo popped up in my "memories" box today. My favorite outtake from the official photo session of the therapy dogs.
I sure miss my soft, special Starbuck-A-Roo Bear. It has been over two years now, and I still feel a dull ache when I think about her. I've tried to reason my way through the pain, but I cannot. I think there is no way out of it, and that's just how life is. The only ways to avoid pain are:

  • Do not love. (Not desirable)
  • Forget about your loved one. (Not desirable)
  • ??

So, it seems that the pain is inevitable, and everyone who lives a loving life knows it. It's part of living a good life, where we love all we can, even knowing it'll hurt at the end.


mdr said...

I still miss Muffin too, sometimes.. I looked at Puppy and thought to myself "this is no Muffin", but I know I will miss Puppy terribly one day too. There is ONLY one being in this life that I owed was little Muffin. I could have and should have been nicer to her.

bt said...

I agree that loving and hurting is preferable to the other options. -bt

Arvay said...

@mdr: It is hard to live with regret that you can't fix the past, but you can use the lesson for the future. :)

@bt: Thank you.