
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Longest Fall I can Recall

Well, today is Oct 6, and I only just swapped out to winter tires. I believe that is the latest ever. We have only had a few days of mild frost, and no real ice yet. What a lovely mild fall it has been!
A few weekends ago, we went to hike Wickersham Dome. It was very lovely. Bureau of Land Management had put in fancy boardwalks over the low, muddy spots. Very nice! My federal tax dollars at work! Thank you, BLM!
It was misty when we started in the morning, but the mist gradually burned off.
So beautiful!
Hi Cricket, hi!
Hi Thistle, hi!
Even the White Mountains had had only the mildest of frost.
Aaaaaapples are back in the store. Do you like aaaaapples? I like aaaaaapples.
"Is that an apple for meeeeeeeee?"
"Oh yes! It's for me!"
Cricket wants apple, too!
My last CSA share contained a cthulhu carrot!
Look at the beautiful sunrise on my morning run!
The girls are Not Interested, but at least they wait patiently while I take photos.
In other Exciting News, curiosity finally drove me to try this!
Well, they certainly nailed the look and texture! It even browned.
It didn't put out any fat though, the way meat does, so I had to add olive oil to cook in these greens.
It tasted... okay, but I don't think I am the target market. Meat is something I only eat a little of, and it's only for the flavor. I do not crave the texture, so their efforts there were wasted on me. And I don't need meat substitute protein either, since I'm content with beans and tofu! Also, spaghetti with marinara was perhaps not the best test, since almost everything is good in marinara!


Anonymous said...

Like the "apple eaters".

Clicking on the pictures returns the message:

"Google 400. That's an error. The server cannot process the request because it's malformed. It should not be retried. That's all we know".

Loyal reader #8

Arvay said...

Thank you for the notice, Loyal reader #8! That is very weird. I'll dig into it later. In the meantime, I'm very gratified that you want to zoom in and see giant photos of Thistle's teef!

Arvay said...

Loyal reader #8, I have fixed the broken links!

gina said...

Your fall pictures are lovely, especially the Apple Eyes. I'm going to visit my daughter and grandson
in Anchorage in a few days. They have snow now, so I'm excited.

mdr said...

Please do eat "easily digesting iron/protein" during certain time of a month.

Was it a carrot or octopus? hahaha

e.davis said...

A glorious fall indeed - enjoy while it lasts:)As always thank you for sharing the neighborhood scenery & the canine apple connoisseurs!