
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Happy 12th Day of Christmas

Season's Greetings!
A friend got me a foamer for my last birthday. I now use it to make fancy Mexican hot chocolate. This mug was sent by a different friend, over 10 years ago now. She had read an article that chocolate apparently tastest better against orange. :)
Do you think Princess Cricket is comfy? I sure hope she is comfy.
Although she sure prefers to snuggle with Daaaaaaaddy.
Sometimes Thistle will join them, but she's not much of a snuggler.
She does, however, have a classic husky smile.
For our Christmas dinner, I found a free-range organic ham. I also made collard greens, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and roasted corn kernels. Three kinds of carbs with butter! Yay!
Merry Buttermas!
After a few days, the leftovers devolved into things like ham stir-fries and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, but the very next day, we attempted to keep things fancy and heated up ham slices with leftovers.
Do you think they are comfy? I sure hope they are comfy.
Thistle looks comfy.
Cricket appears to be comfy.
These pretty winter days!
After we mince across this overflow, the trail are all ours!
"Hey girls, wanna stand against the sunrise and look at me for a photo?" "No."
Pretty sunrise though.


mdr said...

Glad to see corns on the dining table... Corns can be for three meals. Corn meal mixed with oatmeal for breakfast. Corns as side dish for other meals.

The cabin looked cozy and clean.
Have a safe, healthy and happy 2023

Arvay said...

@mdr, corn is DL's favorite "vegetable". He was quite disappointed when I informed him that it was not, in fact, a vegetable. :D