
Monday, June 27, 2016

Wowza! A hail of a storm!

Yesterday afternoon, DL was sweating out in the sun weed-whacking, while I was complaining about the heat and bugs, and all of a sudden, a big gray cloud flew over the cabin and dumped us with pelting rain and the biggest hailstones I had ever seen!

As the later ones fell, they hit the ones already on the ground, and the whole mess of them went leaping and bouncing all over the yard like grasshoppers! Very exciting! Although probably not impressive by midwestern standards of giant hail. But I have no desire to experience that! I cannot believe those photos! I'm like, rreeeeallyy? Those things fall from the sky? God actually does that??


Oh, last Thurs was DL's birthday, so we took the day off and started it with giant omelettes:

He said it was eggcellent.

Omelette you enjoy the photo.



mdr said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY and many many more, DL

I also first time saw the front yard/ground/area after visiting there many years ago. I really like it MUCH better than how it was before. I believe the nice front yard/ground/area has a lot to do with your (or combined) effort. Really looking good, great job done.

rena said...

Nice video! Wow, that is definitely some dramatic hail.
Happy birthday to DL, sounds like an eggcellent way to shellebrate

Arvay said...

Rena is pulling a fast one ova me!