
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Miscellaneous photos around the house

Has it been a while since I've posted a cute photo of Booger? Yes, it has been a while since I've posted a cute photo of Booger. Behold:

And has it been a while since I've posted a macro shot of Roo's schnozz? Yes, it has been a while since I've posted a macro shot of Roo's schnozz. Behold:

Poor sweet, patient Autumn. Still getting squozen:

For some reason, my friend AL saw this card, of wolves on a couch, and thought of me...

Soooooo... my friends and neighbors the Bs plant a beautiful vegetable garden each year. This year, I decided to "contribute" with the "gift" of Asian vegetable seeds. I'm so thoughtful, am I not? The bok choys are coming out beautifully:

I stir-fried them with green onions, garlic, beef, and nian-gao:

1 comment:

mdr said...

You get better and better with cooking.