
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! It was the first really warm day today, too. This morning I was complaining about the sweat dripping off my body parts, but then on my commute, NPR interviewed the mayor of Corpus Christi, Texas, about how they were coping with recent flooding. He said they were holding steady for now, but as the weather was soon to get "really warm" (which is what, for Texas? 100 degrees? 300 degrees?), he said conditions would get worse as the flood would start to "steam". And then the mosquitoes would come.

I am uncomfortably warm right now, but not literally "steaming". And we have a lot of mosquitoes, but they don't bear any diseases. Complaining rights forfeited here!

1 comment:

mdr said...

same to you, DL and doggies