
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biggest headline today!

At the top of the page, the Minor News reported on our snowstorm!
LOL! I think it is hilarious and very appropriate that the Minor News has not said one single peep about the election until today, when they had to acknowledge that Something had Occurred in the Lower 48, and that it was Kinda, Sorta interesting. Although not as important as our snowstorm.

Well, in one night, we went from deep cold to a 60 F degree rise in temperatures and 10 inches of fresh snow!

I think the ladies are enjoying retirement. What do you think?
Uh-oh. Cricket has gone flat.
Today, we went skijoring. So much fresh snow! But look how sweet and patient the ladies are while I put on my coat and mittens. If they were still racing dogs pre-retirement, they'd be jumping up and down and yelping!
Plenty of snow now! For part of it, it looked like the trail had been broken midday yesterday, so there were only a few inches of fresh powder. there were also quite a few low, burdened trees and branches to dodge.
The light was very pretty!
Still some gooshy stuff on our creek crossing though.
The snow started to get deeper on the main trail.
And then we passed a spur where the person yesterday either started or ended laying track, and were in virgin snow up to the girls' bellies!
Our biggest challenge today.
At this point, I decided that we'd go to the top of the ridge where it connected to another popular trail, and if trail had been broken on the other side, we'd continue on. Otherwise, we'd turn around and come home. Breaking that much trail was just getting too tiring for a recreational activity!
Still deep snow at the top!
Here is video of us breaking through it. Look at how they dive through the tall snow!

Uh-oh. Still unbroken snow on top of the ridge!

Few, the opposite trail had indeed been broken, so we had an easy run home (though dodging overhanging branches the whole way).

Such good girls! But now Thistle is sulking at me because I won't share my pumpkin seeds with her. Dogs aren't supposed to eat pumpkin seeds, are they? (Every now and then, she picks up her head so she can flop it back down and make a Dramatic Noise.)


mdr said...

From the 1st video, I think the dog on the right (Cricket, I guess?) seems more steady and very responsible, she looked back at you for whatever reason I couldn't tell. Good girl, Cricket.

The 3rd video, did you hit the tree branch? Please be extra careful. No emergency visit. According the highway accident study, People got into more accident within few miles from their homes. When people feel comfortable and confident, they lessen their alertness.

Arvay said...

@mdr, that is Thistle. And she *is* more responsible. She was a leader and has been more responsive from the start, even before we had any sort of bond at all. No, I did not hit the tree branch; I just raised my camera out of the way! I am extra careful and got a helmet and knee pads!

Also, the reason people get into more accidents near their homes is not because they are careless. That is a common misconception. It's a matter of statistics. People spend the majority of their time near their homes. Right now, I spend let's see... 95.2% of my time near home. So, anything I do has a 95% chance of happening near home. :D