
Monday, November 2, 2020

Hello Winter! Brrrrrrr

This was my brilliant idea for socially distanced trick-or-treating. I prebagged treats and put them out up at the top of the driveway. I normally only get between 0 and 3 trick-or-treaters, but when my neighbors heard of my plan, they wanted to join in, and also keep our neighborhood kids in the neighborhood this year. It worked out great! I posted a photo on our neighborhood facebook group when my treats were ready to go:
And other neighbors posted their photos as well!
Creative hosting strategies!
People even posted photos of the kiddos prepping candy bags for their brethren, before heading out themselves.
I don't even know what this pumpkin is made of... a dyed snowball, perhaps?
Totally socially distanced!
Some people got super generous!
The fire station even hosted a table!
Another creative host!
Redneck humor.
My neighbor right across the way.
At some point, it got dark enough to light my own pumpkin!
My neighbor down the road had had this display up for weeks! It even blinks lights through the eyes and makes noises! Thistle and Cricket WOOF at it on our morning run.
My neighbors up the road the other way built up a bonfire and got dressed up to greet the kids from 6 feet away!
Another action shot with Grim.
I'd say that the neighborhood trick-or-treat was a success! I made 24 baggies, and I saw at least 15 cars pull up at the top of the driveway. I even saw some of the kiddos getting out of the car all dressed up! I guess in this era of Facebook and instagram, there is no longer any such things as "all dressed up and nowhere to go" because you can take photos and share them via social media. So the kids got all dressed up, although nobody saw them for more than a glimpse, and I'm sure they have photos for their grandparents and friends.

The next morning was brrrrr-tacular! So we did a shorter walk. We have a 4-mile loop, a 5.5-mile loop, and a 14-mile loop. We did the 4! Cricket's paws were cold.

She licks them warm again after our cold walks
Their pawfuzz is growing in, but it's not quite there yet.
Then this morning--this! BRRRRR!
We did a short run today. In a few months though, this will feel balmy! Every year, we have to acclimated all over again.

1 comment:

mdr said...

Love your idea and your pumpkin carving, I could not see what design it was at first, then I saw when it was lit up --CANDY :) Who would come up with that?!