
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Best Ankle Milestone!

(1) The Day I Got The Cast off, and (2) The Day I Could Walk, and (3) The Day I Could Ditch The Compression Boot were all REALLY EXCITING, but (4) The Day I Am Dismissed From Care is surely the most exciting of all!

I have just gotten back from the orthopedist's office. They said I was healing great, the bone was filling in nicely, and the PA said in particular that my range of motion was A-MAY-ZING! She said she had never before seen anyone with my range of motion when at my state of healing, so I was doing awesome! She also said I should cut back on wearing the ankle brace and only wear it when walking the dogs or on uneven ground. I've now been dismissed from future follow-up appointments and been pronounced an Independent Person Who Needs No More X-Rays.

However, since I'm still healing, I think I still need to eat extra cheese. In fact, just to be on the safe side, I may need to eat more cheese than most people for the rest of my life.

I'd take a photo of my Awesome Ankle, but I've got some unsightly eczema around the incision site. The Internet says it's because the area is flooded with histamines doing their healing thing, and my skin is overcompensating in an allergy-like way. I've got it under control with topical creams though.

So here are some miscellaneous, non-ankle photos for you to enjoy.

Here is a dog couchal photo from yesterday morning. Right now, Thistle is on the floor in front of the fan, and Cricket is sunbathing in the yard because of course she is.

I took this photo the other day when it was I think 85 degrees F? I think Cricket is nuts.
When it hit 90, she finally moved to the shade.
Look! I grew a Cthulhu tomato!
Here is a phenomenon that I was not sure whether was new. A friend of mine who was born and raised in Fairbanks, then moved Outside for a few years, then returned home two years ago, said she didn't recall them from before she left. Multiple heads on a single fireweed stalk! This one has fourteen!
The gentle rolling hills of this trail system have been great for my ankle rehab. And it's all in the shade, although still hot. Too hot! I hope it cools down soon!

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