
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Summer continues..

The fireweed is not only exceptionally prolific, but really tall this year!
View from one bedroom window:
And then the other:
By the way, Alaskan realtors don't consider this a "view". A "view" means to the mountains or of a river. However, this view suits me just fine. :D In cities, you can have a view of your neighbor's house, or of a wall, or of a dumpster, so I'm definitely okay with this view!

Also, I planted two new rhubarbs this year since a friend was thinning his, so I figured what the heck, since they don't require any labor. You aren't supposed to harvest them the first year, so they put all of their energy into making good roots. But this one is blocking sunshine from my pansies!

A fitting end to the Broken Fibula saga: I took the giant scrub pants that they gave me in the hospital post-surgery (since I couldn't get my pants back on over my cast) and made them into a pillowcase for a couch pillow. (I'm leaving that pocket there; maybe I'll use it for snacks, or maybe I'll leave naughty notes to DL in it, or something). The crutches, the boot, and the shoe-lifter are in the back of the closet. I'm now walking with a light ankle brace. My only two limitations now are (1) I can't run (which is fine! I'm just glad I can walk.) and (2) I only have two pairs of shoes I can wear comfortably, and neither is water proof. So... I have been doing some trail walking, but have to stop if we encounter a big puddle or a muddy patch. I'm doing pretty well though!
Look what season it is! Oh yes!
The wild raspberries in our yard have also been very prolific.
One of our local hardware stores has mandated vaccines for all of their employees! AIH has always been my favorite hardware store, and now that place is cemented for sure. Anyway, look what I found there! A tool pouch that is perfect for a berry bucket! I also recently got a neoprene belt for bear spray that makes it much easier to grab quickly in case of Big Animal encounters; so the bucket holder clips on the other side!
Oh yeah!
Berry stains and Cricket snuggles! I think my new pants are properly broken in!
On the first cool day in a while, I took the liberty of making a classic strawberry-rhubarb pie:
Mmmmm Pie!
Do you think they are comfy? I sure hope they are comfy.
Oh, but they jump up to share canteloupe with me!


e.davis said...

Ahh summer! Fireweed, berries, pesto, pies:) Happy girls- but then they always look happy :) I must say, I do like your view! I have neighbors fences- but also have trees, lots of trailing lantana, planters & a small fountain. Have to make your own little oasis when you live in the 'burbs!

mdr said...

Right about neighboring walls almost everywhere in the bay area, although closer to all conveniences, this household has not been using since early 2020.

Arvay said...

@e.davis: Good job rocking what you've got!

@mdr: But even internet ordering is optimized in urban areas, so you are still receiving the benefits, not just the walls. :)