
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Good Eats

An All-Alaska-Grown Soup! Well, mostly. The sausage was from the store. The veggies were from my CSA from Calypso Farm, and the herbs I grew myself.
I busted out this chicken broth from the freezer:
It came out pretty good!
I made focaccia to go with it:
Cricket Squeeze!
Thistle Squeeze!
OK where was I? Oh yes, food photos. I finally nailed my omelette skills to perfection!
And here is a gratuitous dog butt photo from a trail walk. The trails are freezing up nicely, such that I can walk in non-waterproof boots now. There is no more standing water, mud, nor muck.
Pretty Miss Thistle!
Breakfast in the peaceable kingdom. My dogs have always followed the rule that the greedy one wolfs down her food first, then hovers around while the slower one eats. Anything that falls out of the slower one's bowl, the faster one snaps up! But the faster one will never steal from the slower one's bowl. In the past, Autumn was my piggie, and now it is Cricket.
Sharing a cantaloupe with Cricket!
Thistle gets crazy-eyes when she gets treats!


mdr said...

Thistle's shining twinkling eyes in the last picture was so cute...

gina said...

My two cats eat the same way your dogs, but you describe it much better than I ever could ! Lol

Arvay said...

@mdr she does have cute crazy-eyes.

@gina, I had no idea cats could be greedy until my sister got hers. The ones I had known were always free-fed, and never over-ate. Little did I know! :D