
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Distractions during Zoom meetings

Sometimes you glance up and see a MOOSEY in the front yard!
I had to sneak away from my meeting for a few minutes and snap some photos from the window.

"Oh moosey, you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind. Hey moosey!"

"Oh moosey, what a pity, you don't understand, you make my heart lurch when you eat my birch."

(At this point, DL says, "It will be nice having those trees neatly pruned 7 feet high.......")

"Oh moosey, you're so pretty, can't you understand? It's meese like you, moosey!"
"Oh what you do moosey, do moosey, don't break my heart, moosey!"
While moosey hung around, the fire died down, and I didn't want to go out to get more wood from the porch. I'm pretty sure he would not have come attack me on the porch, but I didn't want to stress out poor moosey, nor disturb his already lean and meager meal. Finally he left, and I could rebuild the fire! Brrrrrr!!

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