
Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Tanana

We don't have a lot of adventures nowadays. Thanks to the Angry Moosey situation, the only place I feel safe is the Tanana, where we go over and over. My old advisor in grad school told me that a river is a Mysterious thing, because it is never the same river as it was even a second ago. The water keeps moving. I can see that it is true. Even when it's frozen, the water beneath keeps moving, and even the ice is not static. It moves and shifts. And since it is now almost March, the light is changing quickly, too!

A bluebird day!

A day of atmospheric ice crystals and Mysterious Light
Today was overcast, but warm. The snow was fast! We went twice as far in the same amount of time.
I even managed a selfie in front of these pretty cliffs.
Our mornings have been beautiful, too. I noticed when there was light on the horizon at 8 a.m. Then 7 a.m. Now 7 a.m. is like bright day!
I still put the girls' LED vests on for our morning run. Better visibility!
MMmmmm AAAAaaaappppplllle!!
YAAAAY AAAAaaaappplle!!


mdr said...

Many black crows outside your cabin?
Thank you for avoiding the moose. Smart to stay inside until they are gone for good.

Arvay said...

@mdr: Those are bird-shaped stickers to prevent songbirds from flying into the window. They are supposed to look like scary predators.