
Monday, February 7, 2022

The world keeps turning, and the light is returning

Due to the deep snow and ice that happened earlier this winter, the moose are very stressed and aggressive, so I don't think it is safe to ski on the trails for the rest of this winter. I know multiple people, and multiple dog teams, who have been attacked by moose, which is not normal behavior at all. It is true that moose attacks are more common than bear attacks, but really, both are rare. Moose are rather phlegmatic. They usually just... hang out and do nothing. But now they are attacking people, so!

There is only one place that is safe for us to go, and that is the wide, wide Tanana. It's wide-open, and has great visibility.

The girls lovelovelove to run! Especially on these flat-open spaces. Here is a video I accidentally took when I was trying to take stills.
Whenever I get frustrated that we can't ski the trails behind our house, that I actually have to load the dogs into the car and drive to the river, I remind myself that (1) The river is only 10 minutes away, and (2) The meese are fighting for their lives, while I am only complaining about convenient fun. Also (3) A friend has pointed out to me that by avoiding them, we are also reducing their stress levels and increasing their odds of surviving a very harsh winter. Finally, (4) Another friend has pointed out that those trails will be there next year. :) Almost everyone who lives in this neighborhood feels similarly. Those trails are why we live here, after all, so it's sad to lose the use of them. But it's good to give the meese a chance at survival, and of course we don't want to put our own lives, or the lives of our beloved companions, at risk.

We also have...

Warm clothes...

A comfy couch...
Grilled cheese...
Mmm, apples!
Yay, apples!
And the returning daylight!
And a warm fire...
And frosty eyelashes!
And DL snuggling with us!
And frito paws!
Sofff, fuzzy frito paws...
In other news, the last new moon was the Lunar New Year. Our second Pandemic New Year. Oh well. I made a small quantity of jiao-zi:
And also did a stir-fry of nian-gao with pork sausage and bok choy.
Happy Year of the Tiger to all 14 of my loyal readers!


e.davis said...

Happy Year of the Tiger as well! Didn't cook any traditional delights- but celebrated at home with sushi since it also was my birthday:) Take-away from a local place.
Girls look equally happy lounging by the fire as going for a run or supervising kitchen activities. Enjoying the longer days too-my favorite time though is as I'm driving to work about 6:30 past the dam/reservoir, the still water, birds against the sky, clouds-just before sunrise - a fleeting meditation. I digress! The skijoring on the river looks so awesome-loved the video clips!

mdr said...

You, DL and dogs have a very safe, healthy and happy 2022.
Love to see your pictures.
Puppy does not eat apples.
Thank you for Zooming with us.
SE wants to see her one and only auntie more often too.

mdr said...

Would it be useful/helpful to listen to the local radio AND read the local news BEFORE venturing out to ski?

They might have recent news on animals.

Arvay said...

@mdr, I read the local news and also our local neighborhood news/gossip group. We trade stories on trail conditions, ice conditions, moosey encounters, road conditions, lost and found pets, etc. :)

Too bad Puppy does not like apples. :(

Arvay said...

@e.davis: Happy belated birthday! May you have a blessed next year!

e.davis said...

Thank you so much🤗 looking forward to a great year!

gina said...

Happy Year of the Tiger, and Health and Happiness to you and your 3 fuzzies in the New Year!
Your cabin looks so cozy in the snow. I love your pictures too.

Arvay said...

@gina: Happy New Year and best wishes from us to you, too!