
Friday, March 27, 2009

In which the girls aid my research

We skijored out to my snow collection site, and then I unhooked the girls and figured they would run around and play for a while. I was concentrating on getting good samples and wasn't paying any attention to them. Then I happened to glance over my shoulder, and saw this:



My kid's sled worked like a charm for hauling home my snow. I tied it to my backpack and dragged it behind me.

While ahead of me the motors ran:

Are they pooped!


TwoYaks said...

Time to put the girls' food on your taxes as a research expense!

Ishmael said...

Pretty cool deal! What does your research entail?

Arvay said...

I am studying mechanical properties of snow. So I collect snow, store it, and then play with it! :)