
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Furry Entertainment

Borrowed Sam for a morning to have fun with friends and kids. Here we have a perfect display of how specialized dog breeds are. Sam fetches, huskies pull. Period. You can throw a ball or a stick for my girls, but they will give you a blank look in return.

Here I am serving as a "loose leader". :)

This is all behind Mushers Hall.

At one point, we accidentally went down the starting chute of the races. The girls accelerated while I ran behind and hollered, "Whoa! Whoa! WHHHHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Our wee passanger just hung on and thought it was awesome and didn't realize that there was a problem. :) I think there must be some leftover "run as fast as you can" pheromones on that section of the trail. :)

Wee gent throwing a ball for Sam.

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Sam luh-huhvs snow!

And giving kisses!

She can also serve as a loose leader!

1 comment:

rena said...

Yes, many thanks to the enthusiastic doggies that kept the kids entertained! I'll bet the girls went home and had a good nap after that day. I sure like that last photo of Sam with all four paws off the ground.