Sled Dog Command: Gee
What it means to humans: Go right
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Go right and accelerate
Sled Dog Command: Haw
What it means to humans: Go left
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Go left and accelerate
Sled Dog Command: On by
What it means to humans: Pass by and ignore that person/dog/moose/trail intersection
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Pass by and ignore that person/dog/moose/trail intersection, and accelerate
Sled Dog Command: Whoa
What it means to humans: Slow down or stop
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Pretend you are deaf
Sled Dog Command: Come
What it means to humans: Come here
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Look up at me. Then carry on with whatever you were doing.
Sled Dog Command: Stay
What it means to humans: Stay there until told otherwise
What it means to Autumn and Linden: Hesitate for a quarter of a second before following me.
In other news, this morning I stumbled downstairs to the tea pot and found this on my kitchen counter:

It's an interesting consequence of having a significant other who makes Native art. You learn to take these sorts of things in stride. I posted this photo on Facebook, and folks asked me what it was. Now that's pushing my Going Native just a little too far! At this point in my Alaskan edjumacation, I consider myself doing well if I know what species of animal I am eating for dinner!
Justa guess... small with pointy fangs weasel of the ermine sort.
One of the 'arrives in Alaska well after it's out of date' catalogs from Uncommon Goods has a set of beer glasses with the reality of dogs on them. "Fetch" for example, has the dog laying down, "Sit" has the dog bolting away. Oh dogs.
Yech, hope it's not carrying any weird bacteria. That said, I almost brought home some owl pellets that I found under my parents' porch this past summer.
I'm kinda surprised Autumn and Linden haven't turned it into a chew toy yet - aren't they interested in that?
Thank you Rena, Arvey is fortunate to have a friend like you. You are a friend with common sense and willingness to share your honest view point.
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