
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Berry Picking photos

We sure picked a beautiful day! It had been raining until the day before, and it began raining again the day after!

Some small fireweed was left in the White Mountains:

The sunlight was warm and hypnotic:

And the sky was that bluetrueblue that it can only be in a subarctic summer!

When I'm berry picking is the time when I feel most vulnerable to bears, because I am hunched over in a vulnerable position. It is good to have alert dogs (and bear spray):

Stealth wolf, always nearby:

Some fall color was already appearing:

Suuuuuper stealthy!

They are always alert! Check out those ears!

Sweet Roo!

This late in the season, the berries are HUGE:

Wickersham Dome:

There were still plenty of berries!

And the view to the South was gorgeous, as usual:

We had to turn around here. I got a gallon of berries, and this was 3 miles in and my shoulders were starting to ache:

The North view to the rest of the White Mountains:

Today, I split my rhubarb for the last time this summer. I previously split off four babes and gave them to three friends. This is my last, and it's for me! We're going to have two rhubarbs from now on:

Rhubarb has become very meaningful to me as a metaphor for resilience. It is perennial, it thrives under any conditions, it requires no maintenance, it is impossible to kill, it pokes its little head out from melting snow every spring, and!! And you can share it with friends. I lovelovelove knowing that now three friends will have a part of my rhubarb, forever! It has become very meaningful to me.

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